LaTonya Wilkins, a renowned executive coach and the host of the Leading Below the Surface podcast, takes us on a deep-dive exploration of psychological safety in the workplace. Reflecting on her rich background in fostering inclusive environments and her expertise as an executive + team coach, LaTonya shares invaluable insights on creating spaces where everyone feels safe to express themselves. In this solo episode, she focuses on the foundational aspects of psychological safety, emphasizing its critical role in facilitating open, honest, and productive conversations across differences.

Tips from Today’s Episode:

-Understand what psychological safety and belonging truly mean and why they are critical for effective communication.

-Assess personal and collective levels of psychological safety before engaging in potentially challenging conversations and while navigating conflict.

-Learn and apply techniques to create a safe environment that encourages candid dialogue without fear of retribution or humiliation.

-Develop a concrete action plan to approach conversations with intentionality, ensuring that all parties feel valued, heard, and respected.

Resources from today’s episode:

Downloadable Guide to Create Psychological Safety in the Workplace

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For More on the Book Leading Below the Surface