Last February, I wrote a newsletter on Leading Below the Surface during Black History Month that addressed the question: Have things truly gotten better for Black employees? One year later, the question…
Four “Unconventional” Leadership Development Tools
I spent two weeks in California during my winter break. My partner and I visited with family in the first half, and then we booked a cabin and set off…
2022 Year in Review: Valuing Our Budding Moments Over Our Biggest Ones
The world is obsessed with overnight success stories and, at year-end, this seems even more pronounced. Every time I open my social feeds, I’m flooded with posts about people talking…
The Relationship Between Psychological Safety and Accountability
During client keynotes and workshops over the last couple of months, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the relationship between accountability, Below the Surface Leadership, and psychological safety….
Your Approach to Developing Managers is Outdated: Here’s What to Do About It
Over the last month, I’ve spoken with several organizations still expressing that their DEIB efforts are not resonating with managers. They acknowledged that while leaders are learning to speak the…
How I Responded to Malicious Feedback After a Pro Bono Speaking Gig
Over the summer, I received a spreadsheet full of comments left by attendees for a talk that I had delivered the previous week. Let me first start off by saying…
Leading Below the Surface in Virtual Work Environments
How do I lead below the surface in a fully or partially virtual environment? This is one of the questions I’ve been hearing most often at keynote speaking engagements, and…
Leading Below the Surface During In-Person Gatherings and Summer Months
It’s been a busy summer of speaking. Minus all of the seemingly now standard travel delays, my time on the road has been mostly enjoyable. I was eagerly thrown back…
2022 Pride Month Roundup
During Pride Month 2022, not only did I end up with keynote bookings in the double digits, but I also noticed that the energy was a bit different from last…
Your Company’s Pride Programming Speaks Volumes About Your Culture
Every year during the month of June, more and more companies are recognizing LGBTQ+ Pride. Many release marketing campaigns dripping with rainbow colors, and some bring the celebration inside the organization to…